Friday, August 1, 2008

Underneath and Above

This morning we got up early and set out to go visit the Gouffre de Proumeyssac, a cave with a lot of stalagmites and stalactites. Of course this meant being couped up in the tiny car again but I managed to survive the trip despite the fact that the other car we were following decided to take the windiest route they could find. The cave was actually pretty cool looking inside. The original access, from the XIIIth Century, used to be from the top and for many years, it was only used as a sort of underground dump. When they finally decided to explore it and clean it up, they found all kinds of things in there including money, animal bones and even human bones.

It appeared that one of the things they do there is place ceramic articles in the cave and allow the calcium from the continually dripping water to accumulate onto them. Some sort of artistic thing but it takes a long time. They had a table down there that had been there for 50 years and it was covered in calcium. There was one part where we were wondering if Daniele's mother was going to make it because it was a tunnel that was pretty low. We were all waiting and waiting but finally she came out. After the tour of the cave, we found a couple of picnic tables and sat down to have a good french picnic with sandwiches, pasta salad, cheese, fruits and cookies. Well, that almost sounds like a picnic that anyone could have it was better.

The grandma made it! So on to lunch!

After lunch we went to visit a castle in the town of Beynac. This castle sits up high on a hill. We parked below and then we had to walk through some very narrow and very steep streets to get to the castle. The castle dates back to the XIth Century and has a long history through the hundred years war and then the Religion War. It's in fairly good condition though it hasn't always been. Someone bought it about forty years ago and has been restoring. The estimate is that it will take 100 years to restore it so we were invited to come see the finished product in 2060.

Wikipedia Article


Nick said...

Now why would I evah...stop doing this?
With others makin' records that just don't hit
I've toured around the world, from London to the Bay
It's "Grandma, go Grandma, MC Grandma, yo, Grandma!"
And the rest can go and play

You can't touch this!

Amber said...

I have no idea what is wrong with my husband. Apparently he doesn't do enough work at work!

Dennis D Moss said...

I'm confused

Where Have I Been