Well, after waiting for the girls to get out of bed and then a two hour drive, we made it to Biscarosse la Plage (the beach) around noon and spent the rest of the day there until about 7:30 that evening. Another two hour drive (actually a little longer because we came back by a different route) and we had dinner around 10 pm. I left with my normally lilly-white body and returned with shins that could serve as stop lights in town. However, we had a good time. Kellie thought she was a fish and spent a lot of time swimming in the Atlantic. They would only let swimmers in a small area and there were so many people in there at times that it was hard to keep an eye on Kellie especially when she would dive under a wave then come up somewhere else. We ate lunch when we got there. We had lots of good french bread, sauscisse, and a tabouli that Bernadette made. Of course, by later in the day, most of the food wasn't very good because it had sand in it. That was always one thing I hated when I was a kid in Southern California. We'd have an outing to the beach and always end up with sand in our food. French bread is much better without sand in it. So here are a few pictures of the day at the beach.
TV and Radio stations like to set up entertainment at the beach for the summer.
Bernadette and the Grandparents heading down to the water.
Kellie the Fish. Is that the U.S. I see on the horizon?
This was before I got my sunburn. We were actually sitting in the shade. Enjoying my tabouli.
The Grandpa
So there we have it. Tomorrow, I may muse upon how many ways a hatchback can be designed.
dad, the point of a movie on your blog is to show something that can not be portrayed in photo.
you and nick have matching shins...
i stopped by the house today, and it's gone. i think it blew up.
oh yeah, tavin waved at you from the other side of the ocean. so did jeff, but he was at the wrong ocean. he's not very bright
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